Fine Gael TD and national laughing stock Maria Bailey may be
clinging to her job by a thread, but Down
the Town News can exclusively reveal that she already has an alternative
career lined up.
The Dun Laoghaire
TD is selflessly planning to use her traumatic Swing-Gate experience to help
improve safety standards at playgrounds around the country.
American tourist
Daisy Dandelion has been left red-faced after encountering her first ever rugby
match at her hotel bar.
“I thought it was a gay sex thing,” confessed the
embarrassed New Yorker. “All I saw was a load of sweaty men smashing their
bodies into each other and shoving their heads up their asses. Then they cut to
some men in suits who showed the whole thing again in slow-motion”
Local father Freddie
Myers has already eaten all his family’s Halloween sweets and confected a
flimsy pretext for his gluttony.
Myers, who is working
from home during the school mid-term break, had initially opened a fun pack of
Giant Buttons as “a treat” for the kids as they watched Ratatouille on Netflix.
Irish rugby has received a welcome boost today after the
IRFU announced details of a new sponsorship deal with Beamish stout.
A Beamish
spokesperson stated that the drinks company is reviving their classic
‘Consistency in a World Gone Mad Campaign’ in conjunction with the IRFU.
“Irish rugby, like
a pint of Beamish, is a model of consistency,” they stated. “While other teams
swing wildly between success and failure we get knocked out in the
quarter-finals every time. You can’t put a price on that type of
The IRFU welcomed
the partnership and stated that Beamish would now be the official energy drink
for the Irish squad in an “innovative rugby-stout synergy.”
New head coach Andy
Farrell said that having an alcoholic energy drink, high in hops and barley,
could give his players an extra edge as they look to recapture the form that
saw them rise to number one in the world rankings.
“Consistency is
something every coach aims for and I believe Beamish can help us achieve our
goals. We’ll be giving each player a six pack before training sessions,” said
Farrell “and we hope it’ll allow them unlock their creativity and embrace a
looser running game.”
Fans have speculated
that the Irish team was already on the Beamish during last Saturday’s defeat to
New Zealand, a claim both the IRFU and the drinks company deny.
They’re all wetting their pants about Joker. The ‘film of the year’, five stars across the board, Golden Lion and all. Well, they’re wrong. It’s not even funny.
If you’re going to do a film about a clown you’d better
throw in a few jokes; a few zingy one liners like Arnie delivered as Colonel
John Matrix in the seminal Commando. But
no, not a bean.
Instead we get
Joaquin Phoenix moping around, doing depressing shit and living his depressing
life. How can a man who works as a clown be so miserable?
The film tries to
be deep and moves away from all the homoerotic spandex you usually get with
these superhero things. You wouldn’t ever see John Matrix in spandex. He was a
real man.
At least with
other superhero films you get some big explosions at the end and some cool
action sequences where all the good lads in spandex finally defeated the bad
lads in spandex.
Not in Joker though. In Joker there’s a scene where Phoenix shoots a gun a few times, and another later one where he gets it out again. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. It’s not even big. It’s the kind of gun Matrix would laugh at then snap in half.
Not content with voting for each other in the Dail, Fianna Fail gombeens Timmy Dooley and Niall Collins’ complex relationship has crossed into their home lives.
Limerick West TD Collins
has voted six times for Dooley when the Clare TD couldn’t be arsed doing his
job. He has also been filling in at the Dooley household, carrying out
husbandly duties when Dooley fancies pints with the lads.
“It’s a long way home from Leinster House, and I often can’t face it,” admitted Dooley. “Niall’s a great man for the driving, and sure when you’re from a place like Patrickswell a night in Ennis is the height of excitement.”
Collins is believed to have deputised for Dooley on a number of occasions, attending family meals and functions.
“I usually send
him over when the mother-in-law is visiting,” said Dooley, “or if the wife is
hosting a dinner party.”
So frequent are
Collins’ visits that he has now taken up semi-permanent residence in the
Dooley’s spare bedroom.
“The cranks will
say it’s making a mockery of marriage, but sure the wife loves him,” said
Dooley, “and he knows how to press all the right buttons. I usually can’t
perform my duties after a feed of pints.”
Local student Shane McShane remains a virgin, despite going
around town boasting about all the riding he’s doing up in the big city.
McShane has recently
started an Electronic Engineering degree, but is still returning home at the
weekends so his Mammy can wash his clothes and give him a proper feed of spuds.
“The Chickadees
love a man with a large protractor,” he told friends down the pub, “and there’s
none bigger than mine.”
McShane has
further proven his manhood by swaggering from pub to pub, displaying his roll
of unused condoms to anyone showing an interest, and many who don’t.
“You’ve gotta be
prepared,” he was heard advising a group of anxious 5th years over
cans in the local park.
However, McShane
has confided to his best friend, who confided in Down the Town News, that he
not only remains a virgin, but hasn’t got so much as “a bit of boob” in the
Johnny Rosewater, who has asked to remain
anonymous, said that McShane was always useless with the girls anyway, and that
the city women were “far too sophisticated for that gobshite.”
In cruel, and frankly unnecessary, additional
detail, he added that McShane’s mammy “still irons his jocks.”
Rosewater, like
McShane is still believed to be a virgin, along with every other young fella
from the parish who has left for college this year.
Down the Town News has seen a leaked Tory party memo in
which government officials outline their confidence ahead of tomorrow’s Brexit
Etonian reptile
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is the key reason for this confidence. Despite
seemingly difficult odds for the minority government the document takes heart
from Johnson’s incredible history of deal making.
Below are some of
the highlights:
Age 12 Johnson swaps a slightly turned rice pudding for two Twixes and a Mars Bar from the Eton tuck shop. #TakethatBarnier.
Age 16 Johnson persuades an irresponsible adult to buy him a packet of cigarettes and a half of gin from the off license. #RuleBrittania
Age 23 Johnson convinces a fully sober compos mentis female to have sexual intercourse. #Nomorebendybananas
Age 29 During a boozy weekend in Dublin Johnson successfully closes a meal deal for a hot chicken baguette, can of coke and packet of cheese and onion Tayto in Centra. #Backstop
Age 35 After a mere decade in journalism Johnson receives his first letter supporting his reactionary views. #Burkaletterbox
Age 48 Johnson manages to wrangle £5 a month off his broadband bill after ringing up his provider and threatening to cancel his account. #Bluepassport
Age 55 Despite years of buffoonish, racist and sexist bulllshit Johnson manages to convince Tory party members that he is vaguely competent and capable of being PM. #DontmentionIran
With such incredible deals already in his back pocket Tory
officials are confident of yet more success for Johnson on Saturday even though
all rational logic points to probable defeat.
The man just cannot
stop winning and Down the Town News salutes his reptilian tenacity.
A Local content
enthusiast has been awarded the freedom of the town after successfully watching
every single program on Netflix.
Large crowds turned out at town hall to watch
Tom O’Hawk, who has watched every single minute of those awful Adam Sandler
films and all the other shite everyone skips over, receive a ceremonial Golden
Remote from the Mayor.
“I didn’t think it was such a big deal,”
said a bemused O’Hawk, who dressed for the occasion in his standard Netflix viewing
outfit of black shorts and old white t-shirt. “The town must be really gone to
shit if they’re celebrating something like this.”
O’Hawk, who admitted to having watched
only a moderate amount of Netflix until losing his job six months ago, said
that there had been “fuck all else” to do between trips to the post office and
futile attempts at job searching.
“Tom is a role-model for the young people
of the town,” said the Mayor. “Losing his job could have sent him into the
usual spiral of drink, drugs and enforced prostitution, but instead he picked
himself up, focused on a goal, and achieved the impossible.”
Asked how he planned to follow up this
momentous achievement, O’Hawk shrugged and mumbled something about downloading
a VPN and trying out US Netflix. His ambition knows no bounds.