A local man has fallen ill and been rushed to hospital after eating 10 sliced pans in one sitting.
Peadar Sleet (34) had joined the rest of the town in clearing the supermarket shelves of bread before the recent big freeze.
However, when his family home suffered a loss of electricity and water supply as a result of the cold snap, Sleet completely panicked and wolfed down 10 Brennan’s white sliced pans in under an hour.
“He freaked out,” said Sleet’s long suffering wife Peggy. “He kept saying the bread would go moldy with the power out, even though we never keep it in the fridge.”
Sleet sat at his kitchen table, alternating slices ladled with butter and jam. At one point he is believed to have attempted constructing a ham sandwich.
“After the fifth loaf his belly started swelling something fierce,” said Peggy. “He looked like he was about to give birth to triplets.”
Doctors are understood to have treated Sleet by giving him a can of coke to cut through the stodge and instructing him to sit on the toilet for the next 12-18 hours.
Peggy Sleet, who is considering filing for divorce, now faces the prospects of several days without bread.